Participatory Farmers need to devote a commercially significant area to their chosen UC. This could be as large as hectare(s), or smaller area, either as a stand-alone plot, or a strip within an existing crop, but always near a conventional crop for comparison between systems. Once your plots are established, you will be paired and mentored by UC Champions (scientists that are knowledgeable on the underutilised crop that you choose to grow), who will help with the collection of the required data and provide several tools for capturing data regarding the utility of UCs. Data collection can extend to nutritional and health traits, ecosystem provisions (e.g., soil qualities, pollinator benefits), economic turnover or other aspects. Successful applicants will also be expected to keep a ‘UC Transition Diary’, as a short record or testimony of your experience growing and marketing UCs.
As a key part of the RADIANT project, funds have been reserved to financially support Participatory Farmers for their efforts on the project. Funds will be made available at the beginning and end of the trial via three RADIANT project partners: James Hutton Institute, UK (for candidates from the Atlantic region), ESSRG, Hungary (for candidates from the Continental region) and CSIC, Spain (for candidates from the Mediterranean region). Participatory Farmers will enter a contract arrangement with one of these partners who will release the funds once an invoice for the activities has been received.
It is very simple. Complete the Application Form below before November 15th 2022, noting the Terms and Conditions, along with a simple estimation of budget and trial design for your proposed trial. Applications will then be reviewed by the project team and applicants will be informed of the outcome as soon as possible.
Each selected trial will be funded to a total of €1,800 including any taxes, although applications requesting support greater than or less than this figure are possible – and where higher levels of support are justified via by collection of more, or specific, data.
As the total fund available is limited, applications which provide good value for money are likely to be reviewed more favourably. For example, farmers who include other actors ni the valorisation of their value chain (e.g., finance, processing, transport, retail, valorization) will be valued highly.
Rua de Diogo Botelho, 1327
4169-005 Porto
Phone(+351) 226 196 200